Last updated on November 21, 2021

For business registration Dubai you need to think hard; and go through a few points and get an idea for that; before you execute you plan; to start your venture in Dubai. Or simply we can say that when you are going for Business registration Dubai. You need the following some of the core points to be considered.
First of all in the first place; you need to think about the place; that is you need to select a better place. It is an important question that where to start my business. You need to ask this form yourself as well as from a consultant. Because UAE is made of 7 state and they all have their own rules as well as its own regulations. The procedure for Business registration in Dubai has different from that of in other part of the UAE.
The next thing which you need to know for starting your business; that is there are a lot of areas in Dubai for business setup. That is business can be setup in mainland; or it can be setup in one of the free trade zone. In Dubai there are so many free zone; like DMCC free trade zone, JLT free zone; DWC free trade zone, DIFC free zone, JAFZA free zone etc;
Business registration Dubai
It is very important to select the correct authority for your Business registration Dubai. In Dubai you can select either one; that is main land or in any of the free trade zone. But the selection of one of the option is depending on the base of the one key factor. If you want a local trade then main land is best. And if you want to do international trade outside of the UAE; then free zone is the best option for this type of the business setup in Dubai.
After the selection of zone and place you need to select type of a license. In Dubai there are three type of a license Industrial, Trading and Service license. There are sub categories of this license as well. So you need to select a proper license type for your business.
Benefits of Business registration Dubai
- There is no tax on personal profits as well as no corporate tax.
- Audit as well as account reporting is not requiring any more.
- Foreign investor rights are protected by a very strong gov’t policy.
- Dubai has a world class infrastructure of offices; roads, lands, buildings as well as strong corporate structure.
- UAE has sign a trade contracts with many countries for free services.
- The rule and regulation of Dubai offer full authority to expat to control their business.
- Very small custom duties and fees on import as well as on exports.
- UAE Double taxation agreements.
- Dubai is at strategic location in UAE which makes it unique.
Why Business registration in Dubai?
UAE has a great economic stability even before the establishment of the UAE. United Arab Emirates is enjoying the economic as well as political stability; and due to the continuous progress over the years make UAE a global financial hub. Dubai is the main center part of the UAE; In fact it is the best trading hub in the world; with great position in potentials growth, civil, political; as well as, financial stability, and also it has a low crime rate. The competency of the UAE is to survive during the worldwide financial crises; it shows the stability of the country. These entire factors attract foreigner to set their base in Dubai.
Gov’t of Dubai are took steps to attract the foreign investor in to the market; that is for Business registration Dubai; by their open financial policies, easy rules for private sectors. Last but not the least the infrastructures they have built for the business is fabulous.
Reason for Business registration in Dubai
It is one of the world best locations to start the business due to,
- World class facilities for living as well as for Dubai business setup.
- Pre defined business jurisdictions with developed infrastructures.
- Dubai has developed their base in health, education and management sectors.
- Stable gov’t back up by a fast growing economy.
- Expo 2020 host country title has been awarded to Dubai.
- Dubai is the commercial hub in MENA region.
There are 1000 of reasons to pick Business registration Dubai as your first choice. Now days everybody is considering for a Business in UAE, and especially in Dubai. In which some of them looking to open new business; but also some of them are looking to buy an existing business in Dubai mainland or in free trade zone. And on the same way most of the foreign businesses are looking for a branch office in Dubai. Business Setup in Dubai is the dream of every business men round the world. However, Business setup in Dubai is not an easy job; as the climbing economy of Dubai is likable for competitor; in the county which is creating huge competition for new business startups. So business in Dubai demand a proper guide line to enter in a new market.